Sunday, July 14, 2019

Women's Keto Weight Loss

Women's Keto Weight Loss 

Are Women Really Losing Weight on the Keto Diet?

What Woman doesn't want to lose a little weight? Hardly a woman alive would be my bet. And, as you may have noticed, it's usually Women who are first "out of the gate"  latching on to the latest diet craze.

Movie Stars Love It

Doubtless aided by the fact that it's usually female celebrities who are first to adopt and rave about the latest miracle fat burner. Isn't it?

The Keto Diet, like the Paleo Diet before it, is the current flavor of the moment. And, like the Paleo regime, it has it's fair share of evangelists and detractors.

Safety First

The principal concern for most being: "Is it safe?" Depends on how you use it. Doesn't it? Is driving a car safe? Same answer, right?

But , like driving a car, there are "best practices" for any diet. And that definitely applied to the Keto Diet. Especially where Women are concerned.

Learn More about the RISKS of the Keto Diet for Women's Weight Loss in this Google Doc 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Trump 2020 - Could it Really Happen?

Trump 2020 - Could it Really Happen?

Is it conceivable? Is it actually possible that the Man who invented the term "Fake News" - to describe any news that doesn't stroke his ego - is it possible he'll be tweeting from the white house for four more years?

The Con Man

They say truth is stranger than fiction. And, truth be told, the non-fake kind, nothing is stranger than a failed businessman who paints himself as as the most successful deal maker on the planet becoming president.

Thanks only to the electoral college. And two men. Mark Swartz, who wrote the Donald's "signature book" - The Art of the Deal . And TV Producer Mark Burnette, who created Trump's TV Reality series - The Apprentice.

These two men are 99% responsible for the "Fake News" that the Donald is a business wonderkind.

Non-Fake News

The reality is that Donald Trump's Career is an almost total succession of failures. Trump steaks. Trump Vodka. Trump Ice. Trump the Game. Trump Taj Mahal Casino. Trump Marina Casino. Trump Plaza Casino. Trump Riverboat Casino. Trump Style Magazine. Trump World. Trump Mortgage. Go Trump Tower Tampa. Trump University. The Donald's Cologne Brands - Success by Trump and Empire by Trump. 'And finally, Trump Men's wear.

And those are just the Trump financial disasters that are public record. In effect, just the tip of the Trump business iceberg.

Exporting "Greatness"

Finally, when he could no longer ride on his Father's coat-tails, and American banks cut their losses by cutting him off - The World's greatest self-promoter was forced to start knocking on European banking doors.

Trump racist?/Sexist?/Homophobic?

His critics say Trump is a narcissistic,racist,homophobic, meglomanic who promotes violence, hate and white Nationalism,while pillaging the presidency like a third World dictator to line his own pockets.

More about this complex man here